Curriculum Vitae
2022-present: Assistant Curator of Ancient Mediterranean Art, Princeton University Art Museum
2020-2022: Postdoctoral Scholar and Teaching Fellow, Center for the Premodern World, University of Southern California
2017-2020: Postdoctoral Associate in Ancient and Premodern Cultures and Civilization
ARCHAIA: Yale Program for the Study of Ancient and Premodern Cultures and Civilizations, Yale University.
2017-2020: Lecturer, Joint Appointment in the History of Art and Classics, Yale University
2017: Ph.D., History of Art, Yale University.
Dissertation: The Complex Sensations of Divine Music in Archaic and Classical Greek Art.
Secondary field: Gandharan art and religion along the Silk Road.
2013: M. Phil., History of Art, Yale University.
2011: M.A., History of Art, Yale University.
2010: M.A., Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, University of British Columbia.
Thesis: Ancient River Gods: A Fifth-Century BCE Sicilian Case Study in a Mediterranean Context.
2008: B.A., summa cum laude, Art History and Classics & Religion, Carleton University.
Non-Degree Education
2016-2017: Student Associate Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
2015: Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Classics, University of Oxford.
2014: Visiting Student Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Participant in the Mellon and Center for Curatorial Leadership Foundation Seminar in Curatorial Practice.
2011: Summer Session Member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Seeing the Songs of the Gods: Divine Music in Archaic and Classical Greek Art. Book manuscript. Word count, including notes and references: 104,439.
Articles and Chapters
“Seeing the Past: Neo-Attic Reliefs as Sites of Temporal and Spatial Contact.” Word count, including notes and references: 12,695.
“Education: Myth, Ritual, and Socialization.” A Cultural History of Music in Antiquity, edited by Sean Gurd and Pauline LeVen. Forthcoming with Bloomsbury Publishing. Word count, including notes: 6,898.
“Looking at Divine Song: The Aesthetics of Music in Greek Vase-Painting.” The Beauties of Song: Aesthetic Appreciations of Music in the Greek and Roman World, edited by D. Creese and P. Destrée. Forthcoming with Cambridge University Press. Word count, including notes and references: 11,920.
“Moving to the Music: Song and Dance in Antiquity.” Introduction for a special issue of Greek and Roman Musical Studies, 9.1 (2021): 3-12.
“Dancing with Greek Vases: Communicating through Sight, Movement, and Material.” Special issue of Greek and Roman Musical Studies, 9.1 (2021): 85-114.
“Painting with Music: Visualizing ‘harmonia’ in Late Archaic Representations of Apollo Kitharoidos.” Greek and Roman Musical Studies 8.1 (2020): 63-90.
“Hermes Among Pan and the Nymphs on Fourth-Century Votive Reliefs.” In Tracking Hermes, Pursuing Mercury, 2019. Edited by Jenny Strauss Clay and John Miller, 31-48. Oxford.
“Sacred Sounds: The Cult of Pan and the Nymphs in the Vari Cave.” Classical Antiquity 38.2 (2019): 185-216.
In preparation:
Touching Memories: Sensation, Mourning, and Representations of the Dead in Ancient Greece. Book manuscript.
Edited Volumes
Remove, Damage, Destroy, Rebuild: Iconoclasm in the Premodern World. Edited volume based on the 2020-2021 Center for the Premodern World lecture series, Iconoclasm in the Premodern World, with additional contributions.
Articles and Chapters
“Embedded Revels: Contexts of Viewing Black-Figure Scenes on Athenian Red-Figure Vases.”
“Mourning in Silence: Musical Instruments on Fifth-Century Athenian White-Ground Lekythoi.”
“Dancing Gods.” In Dance in Greco-Roman Antiquity / Improntas de danza Antigua. Edited by Zoa Alonso Fernandez and Sarah Olsen.
“Memory and Materiality: Re-embodying the Funerary Musical and Dance Performances.” In The Routledge Handbook of Music and Dance Performances in the Ancient Mediterranean: The Evidence from Material Culture. Edited by Angela Bellia and Clemente Marconi. Routledge. Projected word count: 8,000.
“The Materiality of Divinity: Divine Images, Iconophilia, and Iconoclasm.” In The Handbook of the Archaeology of Ancient Mediterranean Religions. Edited by Caitlín Eilís Barrett. Routledge. Projected word count: 8,000.
Review of The Sarpedon Krater: The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase, by Nigel Spivey, West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture 27.1 (2020): 105-108.